“A collector is someone truly obsessed!” says the Old Master drawings specialist and former dealer Katrin Bellinger as she ushers me into her home, a tall Victorian villa in west London.” – read the full article by Georgina Adam here
‘Collector Katrin Bellinger loves sharing her artworks with the public and promoting the artists who made them. “One of the great pleasures in collecting is sharing,” she recently told Artsy. “Not only with people who are visiting, but by lending to exhibitions, so that a wider audience can see the works. I enjoy the feedback I get when the collection is shown. We often learn from the insights that we gather when works are on public view.’ – read the full article by Mollie E. Barnes here
“Katrin Bellinger has spent decades ‘looking over the artist’s shoulder’. In the gilt-framed master drawings and 19th-century oil sketches that line the walls of her London home, it is possible to look over the shoulders of hundreds of artists at work, into their studios, observing their practice.” – read the full article by Susan Moore here.
Katrin Bellinger photographed in her print room in London in May 2022. Behind her are drawings by Anne Guéret and Gjisbertus Johannus van den Berg. Photo: Julian Anderson
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Altmeisterzeichnungen und des modernen Sammelns mit unserer neuesten Podcast-Episode, in der sich unsere Moderatorin Claudia Linzel mit der Kunsthändlerin und Sammlerin Katrin Bellinger und dem renommierten HIGHLIGHTS-Aussteller Michael Beck von Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art unterhält. Gemeinsam entwirren sie die verschlungenen Fäden, die alte Meisterzeichnungen mit der Kunst des zeitgenössischen Sammelns verbinden, und erforschen die Schätze der Vergangenheit und ihre Resonanz in der Gegenwart. Von den zarten Strichen meisterhafter Zeichnungen bis zu den Nuancen des modernen Sammelns verspricht diese Folge eine fesselnde Reise durch die Welt der Kunst zu werden.
Gli artisti e i viaggi sono stati per secoli strettamente legati: il desiderio di esplorare il mondo oltre i confini della propria casa o studio ha provocato un’esplosione di creatività davvero sorprendente. Prima della diffusione della fotografia come mezzo di documentazione, le esperienze e gli incontri fatti in viaggio venivano catturati principalmente attraverso stampe e disegni, che oggi raccontano storie avvincenti di esplorazione personale e riflessione artistica.
Installation shot “Connecting Worlds: Artists & Travel” © SKD, Foto: Oliver Killig
Read the web article here: https://museen.de/ferne-so-nah-dresden.html
Lister to the radio piece by Eva Gaeding here: www.mdr.de/kultur/videos-und-audios/audio-radio/audio-dresden-skd-ferne-so-nah-100.html
Anne Guéret’s 1793 drawing “Portrait of a Female Artist with a Portfolio”, from the Katrin Bellinger Collection will be among the works featured in a new exhibition on art by women at the Baltimore Museum of Art. “Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe, 1400-1800”, opening in October 2023, will showcase women artists from 15th- to 18th-century Europe. – article by Marcus Dieterle.
Visitors to Charleston will be treated to three intriguing shows from Langlands & Bell, including their own works exploring the idea of utopia, an intervention in Vanessa Bell’s attic studio, and a collection the duo have curated of works from other artists.
Review by Beth Williamson.
William Hogarth Time Smoking a Picture (c. 1761). Katrin Bellinger Collection
The studio is a place of self-mirroring, self-haunting, a space where the artist plays out the day-to-day reality of the fantasy of being an artist.
Phyllida Barlow Untitled: Paintsticks (2017), Katrin Bellinger Collection.
The artists’ studio is an endless source of fascination. A Century of the Artist’s Studio follows three years of research led by outgoing Whitechapel Gallery Director Iwona Blazwick. This ambitious show will chart the history of the studio and include 100 works by 80 artists across the globe, with art by Francis Bacon, Louise Bourgeois, Pablo Picasso, Lisa Brice, and Kerry James Marshall to be included.
Lisa Brice Untitled (2019). Katrin Bellinger Collection
Exhibition review in Apollo’s Art Diary.
Lisa Brice, Untitled, 2019. Currently on loan from the Katrin Bellinger Collection to the exhibition Lisa Brice – Smoke and Mirrors at GEM Museum for Contemporary Art, The Hague.
This feature has been made possible with support from the Tavolozza Foundation.
Download the article here: UpstateDiary8_RaoulHague
Preview of special exhibition at the Teylers Museum, Drawn from the Antique: Artists and the Classical Ideal, written by the Curator of the Teylers Museum, Michiel Plomp. This exhibition features 15 works from the Katrin Bellinger Collection.
An interview with Curator Adriano Aymonino of the exhibition Drawn from the Antique: Artists & the Classical Ideal at the Teylers Museum.
The article can be accessed here.
The report by Dr Susanna Avery-Quash on the one-day symposium of the same title, held at the Royal Academy of Arts on 27 March 2015.
Review of the Teylers exhibition Drawn from the Antique, awarding 4 out of 5 marks.
The exhibition at Sir John Soane’s Museum is promoted on timeout.com.
A short entry on Katrin’s loan of objects to the exhibition at Sir John Soane’s Museum.
Martin Gayford reviews ‘Drawn from the Antique’ at Sir John Soane’s Museum in conjunction with a concurrent exhibition at the Courtauld.
Colin Cruise reviews ‘Drawn from the Antique’ at Sir John Soane’s Museum, calling it a ‘an engrossing display, full of well-chosen delights’.
Susanna Avery-Quash reviews the one-day symposium that took place at the Royal Academy (RA) on March, 2015. The academic event was supported by the RA and the Tavolozza Foundation. It commemorated the tercentenary of the birth of the drawing master William Shipley (1715–1803) by discussing the earliest history of drawing schools in Britain.